Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg
You are currently connected to the website of:
Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg
7, Boulevard Joseph II - BP 884
L-2018 Luxembourg
Telephone: +352 46 99 89 1
Public limited company under Luxembourg law.
Registered in the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register under number B 31730
Social security: 1989 2204 007 99, VAT : LU 1424 8585
Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg S.A. is qualified as a credit institution supervised by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) – Registration number: B00000193
283, route d’Arlon L-2991 Luxembourg
Phone: (+352) 26 25 12 34
Fax : (+352) 26 25 16 01
Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg S.A. is qualified as a life insurance broker supervised by the Commissariat aux assurances (CAA) - Registration number: 2009CM022
11, rue Robert Stumper, L-2557 Luxembourg, GD de Luxembourg
Téléphone : (+352) 22 69 11 - 1
Fax : (+352) 22 69 10
Email :
Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg
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Purpose of the website
The purpose of this website is to present Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg and its activities.
It should not be considered as constituting an establishment or the actual provision of services by Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg in territories other than Luxembourg.
Any person residing in a State where he does not have the right, for any reason, (for example in respect of his nationality or place of residence), to consult the websites of foreign banks, must refrain from consulting this website. Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg declines all responsibility in respect of such persons, and invites any user to ensure, prior to using this website, that there is no standard that prevents or restricts the provision of this website by Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg.
Applicable law and jurisdiction
Access to this website, and visits to it or the use thereof is subject to Luxembourg law. Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg undertakes to comply with Luxembourg laws and regulations governing the operation of a website.
Any disputes to which this website may give rise are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Luxembourg Courts and Tribunals.
Access, and use of this website
This website is an information website, which is intended both for clients and non-clients of Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg.
Please be reminded that the security and confidentiality of correspondence is not guaranteed over the internet, and that it is the responsibility of each internet user to take any appropriate measures in order to protect his or her own data and/or software from contamination by any viruses that may be circulating on the internet.
Please see the Security section.
Website content
Any information, in particular financial and economic information, that may be made available by external companies and published on this website, is provided for information only. Under no circumstances shall it constitute either an offer of financial, banking or other products and/or services, nor a recommendation or an incentive to invest, nor an opinion or advice of any kind whatsoever on the part of Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg. It must be used with the utmost care. Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg strives to update and monitor the content of this site. However, Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg cannot guarantee the accuracy, reliability, currency, or integrity of the information contained on this website, or the websites to which links are provided, or guarantee that this information is tailored to a specific purpose.
Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg reserves the right to modify the content of this website and the functions and tools available on it at any time, and to make it inaccessible, in whole or in part.
Except in the case of an intentional act or gross negligence on its part, Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg cannot be held liable for any loss or damage whatsoever, whether direct or indirect, which may result from accessing, consulting, or using, the information, data and publications contained on this website, or the use of this website or the impossibility of using it for whatever reason.
No liability shall be assumed by Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg for loss or damage that may affect the technical environment of the user of this website, in particular his or her computer or smartphone, software, network equipment and/or any material used by the latter to access and/or use this website and/or the information contained therein.
The creation of hypertext or hyperlinks to this website requires the express prior agreement of Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg. This prohibition applies to any form or connection technology where the name, address or any other element belonging to Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg appears on another website, or by which users are linked to this website from such other website.
This website includes hyperlinks to other websites which have not been developed by Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg. The existence of links from the Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg website to other websites does not constitute any acquiescence or guarantee on the part of Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg, as to their content, or the persons operating such other websites, or as to the level of security of such websites, or as to the creditworthiness and/or reliability of the authors or owners of such websites, or as to the persons or businesses about which such websites provide information.
Hypertext or hyperlinks on this website which connect to other websites shall not, under any circumstances, engage the liability of Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg. Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg is not acting as an intermediary between the user of this website and such third parties.
Privacy and personal data
Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg respects the privacy of users of its website in accordance with current legislation.
Information regarding the processing of personal data by the Bank is described in Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg's Data Protection and Privacy Statement.
Consult our Data Protection and Privacy Statement. [PDF - 398 Ko]
Intellectual property rights
This website and its content are protected by intellectual property rights which belong to, or which may be claimed by, Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg, or companies from the group to which it belongs, or third parties. Reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of pages, data, and any other component element of this website, via any process or medium whatsoever, without the express prior written consent of Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg, is prohibited.
The user of this website has a non-exclusive right to use the website. No property or other intellectual right has been assigned to the user. This right gives the user of the website the option to access the content of the website of Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg, and to consult and use it in the usual manner for his or her personal needs.
The brands, names and logos present on the website of Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg, whether registered or not, are the exclusive property of the latter, or other companies within the group to which it belongs, or of third parties, and may not be reproduced.
Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg cannot be held liable if one of its clients is the victim of a phishing attack, following which he or she has confidential information relating to his or her bank account stolen (such as account numbers or access codes).
The client should be extremely careful when dealing with any e-mails he or she may receive from third parties masquerading as Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg that contain (inter alia) hyperlinks, or that request access codes. Under no circumstances shall Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg be held liable for any loss or damage which may result therefrom in relation to the client.
Access to this website is free, excluding internet access costs (access providers and telephone communications), which are billed directly by operators.
Website availability
Within the limits of its resources, Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg strives to make its website accessible, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
However, Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg reserves the right to interrupt operation of the website at any time without prior notice, in particular for servicing and maintenance, installation of new versions or updates of systems and IT devices, and where there is a risk of abuse or fraud. Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg will do its utmost to inform users of the likely duration of the interruption.
Application, modifications and autonomy
The relevant terms and conditions of use applicable to any consultation or use of the Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg website are those available and published on said website at the time of such consultation or use.
Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions of use at any time, with immediate effect, and without prior notification. Users will be informed of such modifications via the Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg website. It is therefore advisable to consult these terms and conditions of use regularly.
The invalidity of any provision in these terms and conditions of use shall have no effect on the validity, scope and binding nature of the remaining provisions.